Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Web-Betty just got a VERY irritated email from me about how the hell to do a new post here! I apologize, especially since she de-plurked about an hour ago, a true sign she really is done for the day.

As I have said, I am brand new to this blog thing. I didn't realize I couldn't post a new post unless I went thru Blogger 1st. Thought I could just go to MY blog, and go from there. I hear all of you "blogladites" out there...I can hear the soft whispers. "How dumb can you be? What a Moron!!" I know! (Craig Furgeson)I'm thinking the same thing!

In defense of ape-like creatures like myself, I DID figure it out, and so here I am with yet another nonsensical musing! Real shame is that I actually had something to say tonight, but between half a bottle of vodka and 2 fu*^ing hours of trying to figure out how to get to a place where I could put it in words, I FORGOT IT ALL!

OK, not all of it. More's the shame. But I got a new follower of this today! I did! In all honesty, it was only because web-betty turned her onto me, but fine! I will take every friend from everywhere I can get!! The only way I get out anymore is thru the prongs on the plug that attach my computer to the world!

To actually know that there is another person, besides my daughter who is reading this, is Nirvana!! I digress.

With all of the wonderful people out there with all of their wonderful words, I am humbled, honored, scared shitless and ashamed to put my words "out there". If I do, unlike any other time in our lives, I am sharing "space" with the Shakespears, and the Hemmingways, and the Gershwins of our time. What gives me that right!

And yet, here I am, believing I have a right to send my words out into the same space they inhabit! Well, their words stay with us. Their words inspire us. Their words move us. But you know what? Every writer from Shakespear to Ira Gershwin to the person who sits and writes in their dining room after the kids are asleep wrote what they wrote because it's what they BELIEVED...what they that time! They had to get it out. And the reason we still cling to their words is because they ring true. They were honest. So even tho our words may never be remembered, or move generations, if they are YOUR words, and they are true and honest, there will always be people on this planet who will relate, and know they aren't the only ones who feel like YOU DO!

I have read many ideas on many websites about "how, when, where" you SHOULD write. I say you should only write when you FEEL words. You should NEVER write for anyone but yourself. Unless you want to sell, and make mega bucks! And even the mega bucks writers wrote 1st for themselves! Think about it! Write on!

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